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Hi, my name is Jim Dagostino. I am the Director of Softball at Penn Academy. On New Years Day we had a break in at our equipment shed. This is now the 3rd time in the last 2 years that the shed has been broken into. This time they destroyed the garage door, our beverage and snack Pepsi cooler, bases, bats, and gear was lost. The biggest piece was that they set our quad which we use to do all our field maintenance on fire. 


We are a small club and do not have the funds to replace these items for the girls, and with the spring season coming up in a couple months, we need to try and replace what we can to get ready for the season.


Due to the on going vandalism, we can no longer use the current shed to put anything new into it. We will have to tear down the current shed and get a shipping container to put in its place. This will require us to put down a concrete pad and do electrical work to get power moved into the unit. These cost are way beyond our means currently, and we are asking help from our community. All donations will go to the building of the new storage unit and replacing the equipment. Anything left over will be used to support the girls and their needs.


The members of the board and all the coaches are volunteers and put a lot of time and effort into maintaining the field and equipment to provide a clean and safe place for the girls to play during the spring, summer and fall months.

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